Friday, February 24, 2012

This problem is called emphysema airflow limitation.

What is emphysema? is a form of chronic (long term). People with emphysema >> << trouble breathing restriction of blowing air. There are several reasons >> << emphysema, but

is by far the most common

emphysema is the main type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (

. ). Although emphysema has no cure, quitting smoking reduces

speed progression of the disease emphysema. What happens in emphysema? Emphysema results when the thin lining air sacs in the lungs

permanently damaged. Often, the toxins in tobacco smoke >> << a loss. For years, light changes slowly develop emphysema:

How fragile tissue between the air sacs are destroyed, air locks in the lungs

develop. The air is caught in a trap in these spaces affected lung tissue. In the lungs gradually increased, and breathing requires greater effort. This lasix 20 mg problem is called emphysema airflow limitation. During testing, lung function >> << it takes someone with emphysema more time to clear their lungs than >> << does a person without emphysema. Emphysema is the main form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is named so that people with emphysema exhale, as if something was

prevent air flow. Another form of COPD is a chronic, which can also be caused by smoking

. In most people, smoking causes emphysema. It

as smoking destroys air sac lining in the lungs is not known. However, research

, population show that smokers are about six times more likely to develop emphysema than nonsmokers

. According to various estimates, more than 10 million people in the U.S. is likely to have emphysema

, some form of COPD. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis, is

fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. It is interesting that most smokers do not develop emphysema. Why some smokers get emphysema

and others are not known. All smokers feel more

negative health effects of smoking, however. Besides smoking, other major known cause of emphysema is alpha-1. However, this minor

cause emphysema compared to smoking. Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a naturally occurring protein that circulates in the blood. His

main function is to preserve white blood cells from damage healthy tissue. White blood cells

contain destructive substances which they use to fight infections. Some people - perhaps 100,000 people in the U.S. - have a genetic >> << condition that makes their lack of alpha-1 antitrypsin.anabolic workouts Defective level

AAT protein in the blood allows normal white blood cells continuously

lung tissue. If people with AAT deficiency with smoke, the damage even worse

. Over the years, most people with severe AAT deficiency develop emphysema. This

do not know how many people emphysema caused by AAT deficiency. Experts

estimated that about 2% to 3% of people suffering from emphysema and AAT

deficit. Emphysema in AAT-deficient patients have the same symptoms as emphysema

caused by smoking. However, people with AAT deficiency often develop emphysema

at a younger age. Problems can arise

in people with emphysema in AAT deficiency. may contribute to emphysema

. Effect of smoke in the environment of cigarettes is known to damage lung

Some studies show that people tend to High

. smoke, probably a higher risk of emphysema. Air pollution is also believed to contribute to emphysema, although the extent

unknown. Most people exposed to pollution, and emphysema take years to develop

, making this effect difficult to learn. .

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