Friday, February 24, 2012

Aller-c contains nutrients that are used ...

Nutri Aller-C quercetin, vitamin C with bioflavonoids pure directorial bromelain

Aller-C contains nutrients that are used to support overactive

immune system and healthy inflammatory response. Ingredients: Other ingredients: gelatin capsule, askorbilpalmitat

Features: Aller-C features quercetin, which helps maintain healthy levels of histamine

, and showed strong antioxidant activity, with

ability to potentiate the action of vitamin C. Features 60 % bioflavonoids complex, which will also synergistically enhances

antioxidant potential of vitamin C lasix furosemide side effects, and maintain forces

capillaries. Features pure directorial bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple,

, to help maintain a healthy nose and respiratory to rebuild your immune system Bromelain also has the added benefit of sequestration

quercetin, how to maintain the body in response to inflammation and histamine

processes. Recommendation: 2-3 capsules Aller-C, two to four times

day between meals or as directed by medical practice. Note: Do not know if in coming. .

Early detection and treatment of osteoporosis ...

The goal of osteoporosis treatment is to prevent broken bones and fractures. This is done by stopping bone loss and increase bone density and strength. Early detection and treatment of osteoporosis can reduce the risk of future fractures. None of the available treatments for osteoporosis full treatment. It is difficult to fully restore bone that has been weakened by osteoporosis. Thus, prevention of osteoporosis is as important as treatment. Changes in lifestyle, including smoking quit smoking, limiting alcohol intake, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D

drugs that stop bone loss and increase bone strength, such as alendronate (fosamaks) ryzedronat (Actonel), raloksifen (Evista), ibandronat (Boniva), calcitonin (Calcimar) and zoledronat (Reclast);

Medications that increase bone formation, such as teriparatide (Forteo). Currently, the most effective drugs for treating osteoporosis, which is FDA approved anti-resorptive agents that prevent the destruction of bone. Anti-resorptive medications inhibit bone removal (resorption). They help restore bone and increasing bone density. Menopausal hormone therapy estrogen is one example of anti-resorptive agent. Other alendronate (fosamaks), risendronate (Actonel), raloksifen (Evista), ibandronat (Boniva), calcitonin (Calcimar), and recently approved zoledronat (Reclast).immune system wiki Bisphosphonates, a class of drugs that inhibit bone destruction, reduced risk of hip fracture, wrist fracture and fracture of the spine. To reduce side effects and increase the absorption of medicine, all bisphosphonates taken by mouth (orally) should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and at least 8 ounces (240 ml) water (not juice). Taking the pill sitting or standing minimizes the chances of tablets, which are presented in the esophagus. Patients should also remain upright for 30 minutes after taking the pill to avoid reflux into the esophagus tablets. In addition, no food or drink should be taken within 30 minutes after that. New intravenous bisphosphonates such as ibandronat (Boniva) and zoledronat (Reclast) to avoid these potential problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Alendronate (fosamaks) is a biphosphonate anti-resorptive drugs. Alendronate is designed to prevent and treat osteoporosis and to treat osteoporosis caused by cortisone-related medications (corticosteroids osteoporosis). Alendronate has been shown to increase bone density and reduce fractures of the spine, hips and hands. Alendronate is taken by mouth once a week for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Alendronate is the first drug approved for osteoporosis and increase bone density in men with osteoporosis or in daily or weekly schedule dose. Alendronate is generally well tolerated with few side effects. One of the side effects of alendronate is irritation of esophagus (food pipe that connects the mouth to the stomach). Inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) and esophageal ulceration have been reported frequently with the use of alendronate. Ryzedronat (Actonel) is another anti-resorptive bisphosphonates drugs. As Alendronate, this drug it is designed to prevent and treat osteoporosis and to treat osteoporosis caused by cortisone-related medications (GCS-induced osteoporosis). Ryzedronat chemically different from alendronate and has less likelihood of causing irritation of the esophagus. Ryzedronat also more powerful in preventing bone resorption than alendronate. Ibandronat (Boniva) are oral bisphosphonates for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It is available both daily and monthly oral formulas and intravenously every three months. Zoledronate (Reclast) is a unique annual intravenous bisphosphonates anti-resorptive drugs. This formulation seems to have a very good opportunity to strengthen bones by increasing bone density and prevent fractures of the spine strong and bones and bones of the spine. Its convenience as given only once a year is obvious. As with all bisphosphonates, patients taking zoledronat (Reclast) must be loaded with enough calcium and vitamin D before and after taking the drug for optimal results. In general, patients give paracetamol on the day of infusion and for several days thereafter to prevent the occasional minor muscle and joint pain. Injection takes approximately 20-30 minutes. A small number of cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw were reported in people taking bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. The risk is higher in those who received intravenous bisphosphonates and primarily occurred after trauma jaw, such as tooth extraction or treatment of cancer. Raloksifen (Evista) belongs to a class of drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). SERMs work like estrogen in some tissues but as an anti-estrogen in other tissues. SERMs are designed to take advantage of estrogen while avoiding the potential side effects of estrogen. Thus, raloksifen can act like estrogen on bone, but as anti-estrogens on the uterine lining. Due to its anti-estrogen effects, the most common side effects of raloxifene are hot flashes. On the other hand, because of its estrogenic effects raloksifen increases the risk of blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs). The greatest increase in risk occurs during the first 4 months of use. Patients were raloksifen should avoid long periods of real estate during travel when blood clots are more likely to occur. The risk of deep vein thrombosis with raloksifen probably comparable to estrogen, 2 to 3 times higher than normal low occurrence. Raloksifen reduces the risk of spine fractures in postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis, but the advantage in reducing the risk of hip fracture is not yet known. (Only agents who certainly has proven to reduce the risk of fractures of the hip joint are bisphosphonates).

Calcitonin (Calcimar, Miacalcin)

Calcitonin (Calcimar, Miacalcin) is a hormone that was approved by the FDA in the United States for the treatment of osteoporosis. Calcitonins coming from several species, but salmon calcitonin is one of the most widely used. Calcitonin can be administered as a shot under the skin (subcutaneously) or into a muscle (intramuscularly), or inhaled through the nose (intranasal). Intranasal calcitonin is the most convenient of the three methods. Calcitonin has been shown to prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women. In women with established osteoporosis, calcitonin has been shown to increase bone density and strength in the spine only. Calcitonin is not as effective in increasing bone density and strengthening bone as estrogen and other anti-resorptive agents. In addition, it is not effective in reducing the risk of fractures of the spine, and not proved effective in reducing the risk of hip fracture. Therefore, calcitonin is not the first choice treatment in women with established osteoporosis. However, calcitonin is a useful alternative for treatment of osteoporosis patients who can not tolerate other drugs. Common side effects or injection or nasal spray calcitonin are nausea and hot flashes. Patients using Miacalcin nasal spray may develop nasal irritation, runny nose or nasal bleeding. Injectable calcitonin can cause local skin redness at the injection site, rash, and flushing. Teriparatide (Forteo) is a synthetic analogue of the human hormone, parathyroid lasix drug generic hormone, which helps regulate calcium metabolism in the body. It promotes the growth of new bone, while other medicines osteoporosis improving bone density by inhibiting bone resorption. Teriparatide (Forteo) also introduced into the skin. Because long-term safety has not been set, just approved by the FDA within 24 months of use and works best in combination with bisphosphonates. This reduces spine fractures in women with osteoporosis you know, but reduced risk of hip fractures is currently not proven. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you do not know the specific drug or formula. .

This is important for you to get enough calories ...

While the exact cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, the condition is associated with the problem of immune system. Usually the immune system protects the body, but with Crohn's disease the immune system can not distinguish between healthy body tissue and foreign substances. As a result of overactive immune response that leads to chronic inflammation. This is called an autoimmune disease. People with Crohn's disease are ongoing (chronic) inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn's disease can occur in any area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract. There may be a healthy area of ​​tissue between the diseased area. The inflammation causes the intestinal wall to become thick. There are different types of Crohn's disease, depending on the side of the gastrointestinal tract that are affected. Crohn's disease can cause small intestine, colon, rectum or mouth. Genes and environmental factors seem to play an important role in the development of Crohn's disease. The body may go too far in the normal bacteria in the gut. The disease can occur at any age, but usually it occurs in people aged 15 - 35. Risk factors include:

Symptoms depend on which part of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Symptoms range from mild to severe and may come and go with periods of exacerbation. Spastic pain with passing stool (persistent, watery >> << (usually around rectal area may drain pus, mucus, or stools)

rectal bleeding and physical examination can detect or tenderness, skin rash . swollen joints or mouth ulcers tests Crohn's disease include:, including capsule endoscopy

can be done to rule out other possible causes of symptoms is no specific diet has been shown to improve or worsen the symptoms Crohn's .. Specific food problems may vary from person to person. You should eat well-balanced, healthy diet. This is important for you to get enough calories, protein and nutrients from different food groups. Some products may worsen. . diarrhea and gas symptoms of the problem, most likely during periods when the symptoms appear to change you make to your diet include:

Eat small meals throughout the day Drink plenty of water (to drink small amounts frequently throughout. in day). Avoid high fiber (bran, beans, nuts, seeds and popcorn). Avoid oily, fatty or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine and cream). If your body can not digest milk and milk products beyond . try low-lactose cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss, and enzyme products such as Lactaid, to help break down lactose. Avoid foods you know cause gas, such as beans, spicy food, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, raw fruit juices and fruits -. especially citrus People who have a blockage of the intestine may need to avoid raw fruits and vegetables and other high fiber foods you may feel worried, confused or even sad and depressed. about bowel accidents. other stressful events in your life such as traffic, job loss, or loss of a loved one can cause digestive problems. Ask your doctor or nurse advice on how to manage your stress. You can take medicine to treat diarrhea is very bad. Loperamide (imodium ) can be bought without prescription. Always talk to your doctor or nurse before using these drugs. Fiber supplements may help your symptoms. You can buy powder plantain seed (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel) without prescription.anabol testo Ask your doctor about these products. Always talk to your doctor before using any laxative medications. You can use acetaminophen (Tylenol) for mild pain cheap lasix. These medications like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn) can make your symptoms your doctor may also give you a prescription for strong painkillers Aminosalitsilaty (5-AAC) drugs that help control mild to moderate symptoms of some forms of drug taking in, and ... others must be given rectally. corticosteroids (prednisone and methylprednisolone) are used to treat moderate-severe Crohn's disease . They can be taken in the mouth or injected into the rectum. Drugs such as azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine quiet the immune response. Antibiotics may be prescribed for abscesses and fistulas. biological therapy used to treat patients with severe Crohn's disease who do not respond to any other treatment. Drugs in this group include Ynflyksymab (Remykeyd) and adalimumab (Humira), certolizumab (Cimzia) and natalizumab (Tysabri). If medicines do not work, type of operation, called

may be necessary to remove damaged or ill parts of the intestine or to drain an abscess. However, removing the affected part of the colon not treat condition. Patients with Crohn's disease who do not respond to medications may need surgery, especially when there are complications, such as: .

Some patients may require surgical removal of the entire colon (large intestine), with or without rectal Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America offers support groups throughout the United States. see http://www. CCFA. org / chapter /

There is no cure for Crohn's disease. condition characterized by periods of improvement further flare ups of symptoms. It is very important to stay on medications long-term to try to save the symptoms return. When you stop or change drugs for any reason tell your doctor immediately. Do you have an increased risk of small intestine and colon, if you have Crohn's disease. Complications of therapy with corticosteroids, such as thinning bones

nutritional deficiency (eg, you lost weight, or child is not gaining weight

You have bleeding from the rectum, drainage, or ulcers

you have high fever that lasts more than 2 or 3 days or temperature above 100 ° F without the fourth disease

Lichtenstein GR , Hanauer SB, Sandborn WJ,. .. Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology Management of Crohn's disease in adults Am J Gastroenterol 2009; ... 104 (2) :465-483 Fry R. Mahmoud N, maroon DJ Ross HM , Rombeau J. Colon cancer and rectal cancer in Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, Sabiston Textbook of Surgery m the eighteenth edition of Philadelphia, Pa ... Saunders Elsevier, 2007: Chapter 50 Peskov B.E ., Siegel CA Crohn's disease in Feldman M, Friedman ... LS, Brandt LJ, eds gastrointestinal and liver disease Sleisenger Fordtran 9-I f Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier, 2010 ... Chapter 111 Updated : George F Longstreth, MD, Department of Gastroenterology, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program San Diego. California. also discussed David Zieve, MD, Internal Affairs, Medical Director, ADAM, Inc ADAM, Inc is accredited by URAC, also known as American Accreditation Commission for Health (www. URAC. org). URAC in

is an independent audit to verify ADAM should be strict standards of quality and accountability. ADAM is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online information and services. Learn more about Adam, and

. ADAM is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and joins with the principles of health care networks Foundation (www. soap. h). information provided herein should not be used in any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any disease. licensed should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of any disease call 911 for ambulance all links to other sites are provided for information only - they do not ... approval of such sites is Copyright 1997-2012, ADAM, Inc. Any copying and distribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.

Inflammation characterized by multiple chronic

The immune system is a complex array of organs, tissues and specialized cells that protect us from foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, allergens and harmful to insiders, such as infected cells and toxins. Sometimes the immune system turns on itself, hence the name >> << tissue damage and produces substances that generate chronic diseases. Examples include autoimmune disease in diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin dependent), multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment of body

-(PUFAs) participate in any of these conditions. A protective effect on the immune system response that combats bacteria and other infectious agents. But when >> << are excessive because they are in asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, they result in redness, swelling, pain, stiffness and other symptoms. Inflammatory responses due to wheezing and difficulty breathing in asthma, inflammation of the kidneys in nephritis, itching eczema, and red blisters from insect bites and allergic dermatitis. Many drugs work to stop excessive inflammation. Inflammation characterized by multiple chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Inflammation develops in tissues such as blood vessels, lung, connective tissue and partly due to activities that protect cells from clearing unwanted particles invading organisms and toxins (Fig. 1). However, the enemy side activity of macrophages is the production of proinflammatory substances that worsen atherosclerosis. Including induced food and inhaled particles such as pollen and dust mites. Sensitive or allergy sufferers react to harmless substances >> << start the immune response. For example, some products mites, pollen and dust can cause allergic reactions. In allergies, the immune system produces a large number of antibodies, especially called IgE. Interaction of allergen with IgE causes a cascade of events resulting in allergic symptoms (Fig. 2). Polyunsaturated fatty acids in inflammation are precursors of substances that can promote or limit inflammation. As a group, these substances are called. The most common eicosanoids are from, omega-6 PUFAs. These eicosanoids promote blood clotting that can lead to heart attack and stroke and help

education in the walls of blood vessels. They also generate

mediators of inflammation, which damage blood vessel walls. In the lungs and airways, another type of arachidonic acid derived eicosanoids,, narrow respiratory muscles makes breathing more difficult lasix 40 meq. Leukotrienes can cause asthma attacks. Antiasthmatic drugs interact with leukotriene activity. PUFAs found in fish oil, mainly

(docosahexaenoic acid) suppress and counter-action of arachidonic acid derived eicosanoids. For environmental protection, in particular, competes with arachidonic acid for inclusion in the cell membrane. Through this competition, it reduces the amount of arachidonic acid for the production of eicosanoids. In addition, the environment creates a type of eicosanoids that are less powerful inflammatory >> << activities than those of arachidonic acid. Working to stop the inflammatory activity. This means that arachidonic acid is actively involved in promoting and ends inflammatory response. Similarly, EPA also creates a substance called "resolvins", which will accelerate the end of inflammation.innate immune system defenses include Aspirin facilitates the production and lipoxins resolvins. Thus, fish oil PUFAs against inflammatory activity by reducing the production of inflammatory mediators, producing weaker eicosanoids and increased production of substances that stop inflammation. As a result, they reduce the inflammatory symptoms of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and others. There is also some recent evidence that fish oil derived resolvins inflammatory conditions such as severe gum disease, which lipoxins from arachidonic acid is not present. These new data indicate that PUFA fish oil can have a unique anti-inflammatory action under certain conditions of disease. * For more information, see Government publications. .

The study found that a combination of nrt

Emphysema is a type of COPD, which is irreversible degenerative condition resulting from inflammation of the alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs. When these bags lose their elasticity to expand and deflates to store and release oxygen, the air is caught in a trap in the lungs and shortness of breath and feel the patient cough. Smoking is the most common cause of emphysema. Emphysema takes years to develop, and goes on very slowly. Initial symptoms include:

Treatment of emphysema is based on the symptoms patientBЂ ™ as with mild, moderate or severe. Aid is a priority in treatment, and delay or prevent progression of the disease with minimal side effects. The most important measures to slow its development for the patient to quit smoking and avoid exposure to tobacco smoke and lung irritants. Forms of treatment include:

Pulmonary rehabilitation can help to optimize the quality patientBЂ ™ s life and teaches them how to actively manage their daily care. Patients with emphysema and chronic bronchitis can do more for themselves than patients with other disabling diseases. Exercise is an important component of rehabilitation, not only in terms of the whole body, but includes breathing exercises to strengthen muscles used in breathing. Oxygen therapy is used as written, usually more than 20 hours per day) is the only non-surgical treatment that has been shown to extend patients' lives lasix 40 mg daily emphysema. Bronchodilators help emphysema patients if they have a tendency to airway narrowing or tightening. They open patientBЂ ™ s airway and allow them to breathe easier by relaxing the muscles around the airways. These drugs are presented in the inhaler and or use short-acting to long-acting activity or to use on a regular basis. Inhaled steroids used to treat emphysema patients with relapses or exacerbations BЂњacute. BЂ "They reduce airway inflammation and help patients breathe better. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) can improve the quality of life for certain carefully selected patients. This can be done in various ways, some of which are minimally invasive. The most severely ill of the lung are removed to remain light and breathing muscles work better. Lung transplantation is the only known BЂњcureBЂ "for emphysema, but few patients are strong enough physically to survive the surgery. The combination of age patientBЂ ™ s, anoxia and side effects of drugs used to treat emphysema cause damage to the kidneys, heart and other organs. Transplantation also requires the patient to accept rejection drug regimen which suppresses the immune system, and this can lead to microbial infection patient. Emphysema patients who smoke want to quit smoking in order to treat disease and slow its progression. Options for stopping smoking include:

Cold Turkey: Some people can quit all at once, simply decide to quit. If only smoking habit, you can take or leave it cold turkey may work for you. Select the date of the decision to award to themselves, and bring friends and family to give you support. Nicotine replacement therapy: nicotine therapy (NRT) gives you nicotine without other harmful chemicals found in tobacco and is especially useful for smokers who are physically dependent on nicotine. Using nicotine gum, patch, spray, inhaler or wafers, nicotine enters the bloodstream in a controlled amount and you can gradually go down to nothing on the physical addiction, not suffering from most of withdrawal symptoms. Nearly 90 percent of smokers cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cravings as their only reason not to smoke. Smokers typically quit several times before they can reach a good, and this failure directly related to the occurrence of withdrawal syndrome. Nicotine therapy makes smokers more likely to quit smoking for good, reducing their withdrawal symptoms. NOTE: Smokers should stop using methods designed to emotional and mental aspects of smoking, and physical. Nicotine therapy only prevents physical dependence on nicotine. The study found that a combination of NRT smoking cessation support group programs can double your chances of quitting smoking and other ex-smoker. Bupropion (Zybanb ®) is a prescription antidepressant in a prolonged form that reduces symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. It does not contain nicotine. This drug acts on chemicals in the brain associated with nicotine craving. Varenicline (ChantixB "ў) is a new drug designed to help people quit smoking. It works by interfering with nicotine receptors in the brain and has two consequences. First, it reduces the pleasant physical effects a person gets from smoking, and, secondly, it reduces the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Hypnosis: Hypnosis really helps some people quit smoking. This process works by helping you avoid the triggers that lead you to smoke. Acupuncture: Acupuncture does help some smokers to lose their cravings for smoking. Acupuncture works for non-smoking by introducing thin needles into the ears of. Oxygen advantages of emphysema in patients with severe lung function.

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This procedure removes the low oxygen levels (hypoxia) and improves mental performance. Oxygen can be supplied as follows:

to room air and removing most of the other gases present in the delivery of respiratory disease patients from 90 to 95 percent pure oxygen. Concentrators can be set to deliver a specific flow of oxygen in the range from 1 to 6 liters per minute (in liters per minute). allow oxygen to patients to maintain their mobility and independence. These high-tech hubs are easy and unobtrusive, and easy to carry anywhere, be it work or travel. are desktop models, forcing compressed air through the spray chamber to aerosolize drug inhalation. American Lung Association National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This problem is called emphysema airflow limitation.

What is emphysema? is a form of chronic (long term). People with emphysema >> << trouble breathing restriction of blowing air. There are several reasons >> << emphysema, but

is by far the most common

emphysema is the main type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (

. ). Although emphysema has no cure, quitting smoking reduces

speed progression of the disease emphysema. What happens in emphysema? Emphysema results when the thin lining air sacs in the lungs

permanently damaged. Often, the toxins in tobacco smoke >> << a loss. For years, light changes slowly develop emphysema:

How fragile tissue between the air sacs are destroyed, air locks in the lungs

develop. The air is caught in a trap in these spaces affected lung tissue. In the lungs gradually increased, and breathing requires greater effort. This lasix 20 mg problem is called emphysema airflow limitation. During testing, lung function >> << it takes someone with emphysema more time to clear their lungs than >> << does a person without emphysema. Emphysema is the main form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is named so that people with emphysema exhale, as if something was

prevent air flow. Another form of COPD is a chronic, which can also be caused by smoking

. In most people, smoking causes emphysema. It

as smoking destroys air sac lining in the lungs is not known. However, research

, population show that smokers are about six times more likely to develop emphysema than nonsmokers

. According to various estimates, more than 10 million people in the U.S. is likely to have emphysema

, some form of COPD. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis, is

fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. It is interesting that most smokers do not develop emphysema. Why some smokers get emphysema

and others are not known. All smokers feel more

negative health effects of smoking, however. Besides smoking, other major known cause of emphysema is alpha-1. However, this minor

cause emphysema compared to smoking. Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a naturally occurring protein that circulates in the blood. His

main function is to preserve white blood cells from damage healthy tissue. White blood cells

contain destructive substances which they use to fight infections. Some people - perhaps 100,000 people in the U.S. - have a genetic >> << condition that makes their lack of alpha-1 antitrypsin.anabolic workouts Defective level

AAT protein in the blood allows normal white blood cells continuously

lung tissue. If people with AAT deficiency with smoke, the damage even worse

. Over the years, most people with severe AAT deficiency develop emphysema. This

do not know how many people emphysema caused by AAT deficiency. Experts

estimated that about 2% to 3% of people suffering from emphysema and AAT

deficit. Emphysema in AAT-deficient patients have the same symptoms as emphysema

caused by smoking. However, people with AAT deficiency often develop emphysema

at a younger age. Problems can arise

in people with emphysema in AAT deficiency. may contribute to emphysema

. Effect of smoke in the environment of cigarettes is known to damage lung

Some studies show that people tend to High

. smoke, probably a higher risk of emphysema. Air pollution is also believed to contribute to emphysema, although the extent

unknown. Most people exposed to pollution, and emphysema take years to develop

, making this effect difficult to learn. .

Emphysema causes damage to the alveoli (al-you-o-lie) ...

What is emphysema? Emphysema (em-Fi-SEE-ma) is a long-term lung disease. Emphysema is a group of lung diseases called COPD or chronic obstructive lung disease. Emphysema causes damage to the alveoli (al-VEE-o-lie), that can not be reversed (cured). Alveolus tiny air sacs in the lungs, where oxygen enters the bloodstream. In emphysema, the lungs become less able to take in oxygen (good air) and get rid of carbon dioxide (deye-OKS eyes). Carbon dioxide is an invisible gas that your body secretes as a byproduct. Another common form of COPD are chronic bronchitis (Bronh-KEYE-tis). In chronic bronchitis, the airways become inflamed (swelling), and make too much mucus, which also traps air in the lungs. People with emphysema often have chronic bronchitis and. What is the cause of emphysema? Smoking or being around smokers: smoking causes most cases of COPD, including emphysema. Other types of smoke, such as pipe and cigar smoke can also cause COPD. The more you smoke the more damage you do to your lungs. Children of smokers also are at increased risk of COPD in later life. People who do not smoke but who live or work around smoke others can get emphysema. Influence of things that irritate the lungs: Working on some dust and vapor (gas) can cause damage to the lungs over time. Living in an area which has a strong air pollution also increases the risk of lung cancer issues. Living or working in dust, fumes or pollution, when you have emphysema can make your illness worse. Lung irritants that can cause problems with your lungs for a long time is:

Working around smoke from burning structures or grasses on a regular basis. Smoke from chemicals such as ammonia or chlorine. Dust, such as coal dust, grain dust, and dust from metals. Frequent or severe (very bad) lung infections that can lead to lung damage over time. Family history of COPD: You may be more likely to get lung disease if someone in your family had one. AAT deficiency: alpha-1 antitrypsin (al-Faw An-ti-TRIP-son), or AAT lasix 20 mg, is a protein found in blood, which helps protect the lungs from damage. Failure (lack of) AAT can greatly increase the risk of lung diseases including COPD. AAT deficiency rare genetic (inherited) problem that can be treated. If someone in your family had problems with the lungs at an early age, tell your care. What are the signs and symptoms of emphysema? Early signs and symptoms: signs and symptoms of emphysema can be very slow. Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity is one of the earliest symptoms. You may have dry cough in the morning, or that causes mucus from the lungs. Smokers may mistake this cough "normal smoker's cough." (Cough smoker never "normal" and may mean that your lungs are damaged by smoking). Over time, the cough may start more than a day. You may have colds and other infections of lungs more often than you used to. Later signs and symptoms: As emphysema gets worse over time, you can have more symptoms. Your skin, nail beds or lips may turn dark or blue. You can be a short breath and get tired faster. You may not be able to go as far as before. From time to time, you can make a high sound when you breathe, called wheezing. You may notice your breathing faster and smaller than before. You may lose too much weight. You may have to lean forward to breathe when I sat. You may become anxious or depressed because your breathing problems. Signs and symptoms of heart problems: Advanced (very bad) emphysema can lead to heart problems. This occurs when the heart must work harder because of damage to the lungs. You may get swelling of the ankles, legs or abdomen (belly). You can have problems with pressure or chest pain. Keep all meetings with the teacher, so that any new problems with the heart or lungs, you can find and treat early. What is acute emphysema? When a person with COPD, they may be times when their symptoms get worse very quickly. They are called exacerbations (ie, ZAS e-e-BAY avoids). Aggravation of emphysema may be due to (early) for infection (in Fek-avoidance), such as colds or flu. Being around lung irritants, like pollution, dust, smoke, or smoke can cause aggravation. Other diseases such as heart problems or infection elsewhere in the body, can make breathing problems worse. Aggravation of emphysema can be serious and even life threatening. The main symptom of emphysema exacerbation increased shortness of breath. You can fork out more mucus than usual, or mucus that other color than usual. Aggravation of emphysema should be treated as soon as possible. If increasing shortness of breath, signs of infection, problems of the new thinking, new or chest pain or pressure, see care immediately. As emphysema diagnosed? Your mother may ask you many questions about your work, life, and signs and symptoms you have. Your departure will examine you and listen to your heart and lungs through the stethoscope (STETH-at-skohp). You may need tests such as blood tests or chest x-ray. You may need to test and ECG heart check. Pulmonary (pool-MZ-Hep-e), research functions may also be needed.

10 facts about the immune system
Investigation of lung function is also called lung function tests. These tests measure how well your lungs can take in, maintenance and use of air. As emphysema treated? Emphysema can not be cured. The goal of treatment is to help you feel better and keep the light most healthy. The most important thing you can do to help your emphysema is to quit. You may need to see a special doctor called mild pulmonary (Pul-MZ-Nal-O-Tech). You may need special care to help you learn about things like healthy eating, exercise and planning activities. Other things that can reduce symptoms and prevent the problems are as follows. You may need medication to help you breathe more easily. They may include inhalers, oxygen, and steroids (STER-OID). Always follow the instructions to you your withdrawal using oxygen and taking medications. You may have to sleep with your upper body elevated (raised) to help you breathe more easily. You may need to learn special breathing exercises, such as pursed lip breathing. Always causes your assistant at the first sign of illness such as colds or flu. You may need special treatment for the prevention of serious lung infections such as pneumonia (Noo-MZ-Nyah). During exacerbations may have to go to hospital for tests or procedures. Rarely, surgery (such as lung transplantation or lung reduction) is made for people with severe (very bad) COPD. The risk of emphysema depends on how badly your lungs and overall health. As emphysema gets worse over time, you can feel pain, sleep problems or anxiety. You may need to use oxygen to help you breathe. You may lose too much weight. Once COPD may increase the risk of lung cancer. Smoking also increases the risk and increases the risk of emphysema your worse. Pulmonary infections in people suffering emphysema can be life threatening. You can die from emphysema. Emphysema fateful illness for you and your family. Acknowledging that you have emphysema difficult. You and close you can feel angry, sad, or frightened. These feelings are normal. Talk to teachers, family or friends about your feelings. Let them help you. Encourage those around you to talk with your caregiver about how things in the house. Your care can help your family better understand how to support people with emphysema. You can also join a support group. This group of people who also have emphysema or other COPD. Ask the teacher for names and numbers of support groups near you. You can also contact the following for more information:

1301 Pennsylvania Ave. Since

Washington, DC 20004

Internet address: http://www. lungusa. org

Atlanta, GA 30333

Internet address: http://www. CDC. spices

You have the right to help plan your care. Learn about your health and how it can be treated. Discuss treatment options with the help of educators to decide what you want to get help. You always have the right to refuse treatment. Copyright 2012. Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Information for the end user and can not be sold, redistribution, or otherwise used for commercial purposes. The above information is just a tutorial. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatment. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical treatment to see if it is safe and effective for you. .

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WaxiMAX-C3G is a tri-polymer carbohydrate matrix consists of a low viscosity, high molecular weight, osmotic waxy maize starch, Maltoplex-18 glucose polymer and glucose. This matrix stimulates gastric emptying, insulin and glycogen replenishment. * WaxiMax-C3Gs three-polymer matrix was developed to deliver the precise infusion optimally supports the anabolic window. * Surprisingly, this tri-polymer is very supportive of insulin only 10 grams of sugar, advantages over other products and post workout creatine formula loaded with sugar. * I do still better and more anabolic, Dark Matter contains a patented concentrated source of C3G (tsianidyn-3-glucoside), which facilitates transfer of nutrients, protein synthesis, creatine / nutrient absorption and glycogen replenishment. *

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